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Common Mistakes in using Organic Hair Color

Common Mistake in Using Organic Hair Color


A – Many people think of our product as HENNA and treat it as such. It is not just henna, our product is a mixture of various organic herbs; henna is just one of the herbs.


B – With pure henna, after making the paste is left idle for 1 or two hours so that its natural coloring component called Lawsone gets activated in large quantities and a good dark coloring is obtained. This is not the process we practice with our product. The herbs present in our organic hair colors produce the best result when used immediately after the paste is made. Do not let the paste set like henna.


Do not forget to apply paste immediately on hair as soon as it is made. 


C – Once water and powder are combined, the reaction between water and the various herbs present in the powder begins. This reaction should take place on hair for coloring, if you leave the paste idle for some time before application, its reaction is already over when you apply on hair, and it will not color your hair.




D – Hair Darkening effect: is to cover grey / white hair. For example, if you have brown hair and some white hair, then you should apply brown color. If you have dark brown hair and some white hair, then you should apply dark brown color.


E – Hair Lightening effect: If you want to apply wine red on black hair, for fashion, then you may not get red color on black hair on first application, instead you may just get some reddish tones on hair. Product needs to be applied 3-4 times with an interval of at least 24 hours between each application to get red color. (No need to bleach your hair to achieve lighter color)

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