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Tips for using Radico Organic Soft Black hair Colour

Updated: Dec 21, 2022

when we apply any colour on 100% white hair specially dark colours like - soft black, dark brown , brown , in first application we may not get good colour or we may get little weird colour.

Hence for 100% white hair we recommend two steps colouring for first time.


If a person have 100% white hair and want to apply darker colour - soft black, dark brown or brown - then in first step - first kindly apply just single herb - organic henna for 45 minutes, there after wash hair till water rinse clear, dry with towel And then after that immediately apply soft black, or dark brown or brown, on damp hair for another 60 minutes, This way you will get good colour.

Option - 2

If a person have 100% white hair and want to apply lighter shade like  series of blondes - then kindly in first step apply colourless henna ( cassia) for 45 minutes and wash it and apply any of desired light colour for next 60 minutes on damp hair

Option -3

If a person have 100% white hair and want just a very very light blonde colour- kindly apply only colourless henna (cassia) in single step only.

In principle - on 100% white hair,- first we need a foundation colour application in order to cover or repair  any irregularities or damage present in 100% white hair , then in second step apply colour this way - final results are good .

It is exactly like - when we paint a new wall or very very old wall in our home- we first apply a foundation or a base colour on the new wall or very good wall, after that we apply desired paint colour. If we apply desired paint directly on new or very old wall, good colour will not come.

More tips -

To tone down any colour tone or to reduce tone of any strong colour apply colourless henna ( cassia) or Amla

For example - colours like light brown some time on some person give excess unwanted orange tone, to reduce it just apply colourless henna, or Amla

Amla does more diluting then cassia, so we need practice or with experience we develop a skill - where to use Cassia and where to use AMLA


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